Wednesday 29 May 2013

How could they do that to a baby?

That is what people are saying after a newborn baby boy in China seems to have been flushed down a public toilet. 'How could the parents do that to a baby?'

But we should know exactly how they can do that to a baby. We are doing worse, not in extremely rare cases, but to a fifth of babies here in the UK:
In 1967, the Abortion Act came into force, resulting in a huge surge in the number of abortions performed in the UK. The ratio of abortions to life births increased from 1 in 46 in 1966 to 1 in 3.8 in 2010. That's right, for every four children that make it as far as the delivery room, one was deliberately killed in the womb. Next time see a handful of kids playing in the park, spare a thought for the one who never got the chance. [this comes from Steve Jeffrey's blog post: The Truth about Life Expectancy]
And all off this hot on the heels of the conviction of Dr Kermit Gosnell in the States. The moral high ground is not geographically located in the 'West' on this one. 

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