Thursday, 4 February 2010

Welcome to the asylum

Gerald Warner wrote yesterday about an extraordinary event - the granting, by a judge, of political asylum in America for a German family (see below), persecuted because of how they want to educate their children! (I missed this because I was on a lovely 'day off' and didn't turn on the computer! But thanks to Pete for the lead.) 
And don't forget this is 2010 and not 1933.

He highlights how we as UK Citizens are also citizens of a Europe in which this is happening. 

Do we understand that, as citizens of the European Union, we now belong to a totalitarian state from which fleeing citizens are being granted political asylum in the United States? 
And speaking of our own government: 
The mentality is that the state – not parents – is the natural controller and shaper of children’s lives and beliefs. When a schoolgirl can be given an abortion without her parents’ knowledge, we know that, while public utilities may have been privatised, children have been nationalised. The Romeikes who fled from Germany objected to their children being forced to follow a curriculum that they believed was anti-Christian. The same would apply in British state schools, where pornographic sex education is increasingly being made compulsory. 
Above: The Romeikes
HT Pete Jackson

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