Tuesday 7 September 2010

Created for Maturity

In the beginning God created heaven and earth. He created two things, not one. These two things are, by implication, related to each other, linked in some way. Later this will be spelled out. ...
The earth as it was made was good, of course, but not yet developed. It lacked structure, was empty, and was dark. Nothing like this is said of heaven. Indeed, it is clear from the rest of the Bible that heaven was made structured, full, and bright from the beginning. The angelic host does not multiply, and so new angels do not appear in the process of time. Humanity was created as a race that matures into a host, while the angels were created as a host from the beginning. 
The earth matures in a way that heaven does not. Heaven is thus the model or paradigm for the earth. The earth is to grow more and more heaven-like. in the rest of the Bible, when heaven opens, men see the models they are to reproduces on the earth, as when Moses was shown the model of the Tabernacle and David the model for the temple. 
Creation in Six Days: A Defense of the Traditional Reading of Genesis One, p174

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