Thursday 2 September 2010

Getting Personal (or not!)

'...all the differences in educational theory are reducible to a single issue, the question of a personal God. 
Every educational program seeks to bring the growing personality that is to be educated into the best possible relation to its environment. But such a term as environment is in itself perfectly colorless. And so if we should say that education is 'adjustment of the growing personality to its environment,' such a definition would be quite without significance unless one would specify what one means by the environment to which the growing personality is to be adjusted. And when it comes to the question of the meaning of the term 'environment,' it will be seen at once that the Christian theistic and nontheistic theories of reality stand diametrically opposed to one another. The former affirms that the environment to which human personality is to be adjusted is ultimately personal, while the latter denies it.'   
p5 Foundations of Christian Education: Addresses to Christian Teachers (Christian perspectives)

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