Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Such a cute, cuddly bundle of atoms

Introduction - some highlights
'The glory and the glamor of having a new baby around the house will begin to deminish within just a few months, but the responsibilities attached to that word parent will remain as long as we are alive.'

What is a child?
A product of evolutionary chance? If so, perhaps we can bring him or her up like other advanced animals, such as police dogs and dolphins.
An innocent until some age of accountability? If so, perhaps we just let them do their innocent thing until said age (when is it again?).
a) The image of God (Gen 1-2). And so we look to God to direct us & shape us and them in who we are and all we do
b) The distorted image of God in Adam (Gen 3 onwards). And so we need to correct and restore.

As Christian parents we need to ask some questions:
Why do my children need to be corrected?
What is my goal in doing so?
How does God say I should do this (when, where, how, in what spirit etc.?)
How can I fulfil my responsibility as a parent before the Lord in such a way that will see my children brought to the feet of Jesus Christ?

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