Sunday, 18 January 2009

United with Christ or else.....

O Father,
You have made mankind for your own glory and when he is not an instrument of that glory he is nothing.
No sin is greater than that of unbelief, for if union with Chrsit is the greatest good, unbelief is the greatest sin, as being rebellion to your command.
I see that there is no sin like disunion from Christ by unbelief, whatever the sin.
Lord, keep me from committing the greatest sin in departing from him,
For I can never in this life perfectly obey and cleave to Christ.
When you take away my outward blessings , it is for sin,
in not acknowledging that all that I have is of you,
in not serving you through what I have,
in making myself secure and hardened.
Lawful blessings are the secret idols and do most hurt; the greatest injury is in the having, the greatest good in the taking away.
In love remove my blessings that I may glorify you more; remove the fuel of my sin, and may I prize the gain of a little holiness as overbalancing my losses.
The more I love you with a truly gracious love the more I desire to love you,
And the more miserable I am at my lack of love.
The more I hunger and thirst after you,
The more I faint and fail to find you.
The more my heart is broken for sin, the more I pray it may be far more broken.
My great evil is that I do not remember the sins of my youth, indeed the sins of one day I forget the next!
Keep me from all things that turn to unbelief or lack of felt union with Christ.

[slightly adapted from p36-7 in The Valley of Vision]

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